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Three Named To AIA's Board Of Directors

Washington, DC - Three new leaders have been elected to The American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Board of Directors, to serve terms beginning in 2021.

AIA delegates elected:

• Daniel Hart, FAIA, of AIA Austin/AIA Texas Society of Architects as the 2021 first vice president/2022 president-elect

Hart is the executive vice president of Architecture and serves on the board of Parkhill, a 450-person architectural/engineering firm, with offices in Texas and New Mexico. He was an adjunct instructor of architectural engineering at Texas Tech University where he is a distinguished alumnus of the College of Architecture and where he served as the founding president of the Design Leadership Alliance. Hart was president of the Texas Society of Architects in 2011. At AIA National, Hart served as 2016 moderator of the AIA Strategic Council and has chaired the AIA Board Knowledge Committee, the AIA Public Outreach Committee and is Co-Chairing the AIA COVID Business Task Force.

“We architects know—and our social contract stipulates—we are the stewards of the built environment related to health, safety, and wellbeing,” said Hart. “As daunting as our nested crises seem, I have faith we will prevail. We are architects, we have each other, we have design, and we know how to bring it home.”

• William Turner Jr., AIA, LEED AP of AIA Colorado as the 2021–2022 secretary

Turner—a principal at Path21Architecture Planning in Denver—will serve as the AIA’s secretary in 2021. He ran on a platform of providing leadership on climate change, a commitment to diversity, and revising AIA’s leadership structure.

“In the coming years, the institute has challenging work to do,” said Turner. “We must make prioritized decisions in how the organization best serves the members while remaining focused on strengthening the value of architecture while working with a diminished budget.”

• Ryan Gann, Assoc. AIA, of AIA Chicago/AIA Illinois as the 2021-2023 at-large-director

Gann was elected 2021-23 At-large Director, a position created in 2015 and first occupied in 2016 as part of the AIA Board of Directors’ restructuring. Gann is a designer at Ross Barney Architects in Chicago and has previously served in board leadership capacities for the American Institute of Architecture Students and National Architectural Accrediting Board and AIA National.  

Gann joins the 2021-23 At-large Director Nate Hudson, AIA, the 2019-21 At-large Directors Timothy Hawk, FAIA, and Jessica Sheridan, AIA, as well as 2020-22 At-large Directors Mark Levine, FAIA, and Britt Lindberg, AIA.

Complete leadership information can be found on AIA’s website.

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For over 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with each other and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. Members adhere to a code of ethics and professional conduct to ensure the highest standards in professional practice. Embracing their responsibility to serve society, AIA members engage civic and government leaders and the public in helping find needed solutions to pressing issues facing our communities, institutions, nation and world. For more information, visit

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