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Lorin's Perforated Aluminum Sheet Now Includes ClearMatt® Pattern 119

Muskegon, MI - Lorin Industries, a global industry leader in the innovation and production of coil anodized aluminum, announces that its line of pre-cut coil anodized aluminum stocked sheets has been updated to include a new ClearMatt® Pattern 119, perforated 48’’ x 96” sheet offered in .032 gauge, anodized in a 250 mils anodic layer.


Perforated anodized aluminum sheets deliver functionality, superior durability, and excellent aesthetics. The cost-effective coil anodizing process, pioneered by Lorin, protects the aluminum while also improving its aesthetic properties and durability.

Perforated, anodized aluminum is popular in the building construction industry because of its high strength-to-weight ratio, light weight, recyclability, corrosion resistance, and more. Lorin’s perforated, coil anodized aluminum sheets are recyclable and 100% made in the United States. Additionally, Lorin coil anodizes its aluminum sheets after they have been perforated to protect the inside edges of the perforations and to ensure that color is consistent throughout the entire perforated anodized sheet, including inside the holes.

Other products available in the coil anodized aluminum stocked sheet product line include Lorin’s Weathered Rust and Copper Penny coil anodized aluminum sheets. By offering the aluminum in sheet, rather than coil form, Lorin enables architects and designers to incorporate stylish and functional aluminum elements on a small scale. This is beneficial for interior projects like accent walls, etc. It also is beneficial for smaller projects that do not require a large volume of aluminum. Lorin anodized aluminum sheets are shipped ready to form and punch, and have no minimum order quantity requirements.

About Lorin Industries

Lorin-logoLorin Industries is a provider of coil anodized aluminum, made exclusively in the USA and used in various industries including architecture and construction. Family-owned for over 80 years, Lorin aluminum can be seen shining brilliantly on some of the world’s most iconic structures and designs, and, no matter the age, they are always radiant. Three times tougher than the raw material, anodized aluminum won’t chip, flake, peel, patina, rust, or weather. And to make things easy, Lorin cleans, anodizes, colors, seals, cuts, and delivers ready-to-fabricate coils all in one stop. A wide range of colors and finish options are available, along with several different patterns of perforated aluminum.

Anodized aluminum isn’t just one material. It’s one remarkable opportunity to access thousands of looks, textures, colors and finishes that reflect creativity, advanced technology and environmental responsibility. No one understands that technology and its potential better than Lorin Industries. To learn more, visit

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