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National Coil Coating Association Recognizes Three With Annual Plant Safety Awards

Cleveland, OH - Each year, the National Coil Coating Association bestows its annual Safety Award, recognizing coater member companies that show an exceptional commitment to assuring workplace safety. This year, three plants earned recognition: the American Metals facility in Cleveland, Ohio, the Novelis plant in Davenport, Iowa, and the Steelscape operation in Kalama, Wash. Each will receive NCCA's coveted 2020 Safety Award. 

The NCCA Safety Committee selected the three winning facilities from 51 plants that were considered for the award. The top plants were identified on the basis of data reported to OSHA. Then, the Safety Committee conducted interviews with the top plants and selected the winners based on the excellence of their safety programs.

“Usually, we have one clear winner for our Safety Award,” said Chris Johnson, executive director of NCCA. “But this year, all three of these safety programs were outstanding. The management and employees of these plants demonstrated a strong commitment to safety through successful development and implementation of policies, practices, and programs.”

Since the inception of this award in 2003, Steelscape has won it ten times, and American Metals has won six times. This was the first time that Novelis has received the award. To promote safety in the coil coating industry, winners of the award share their best safety practices with the NCCA membership.

About The National Coil Coating Association

NCCA-logoThe National Coil Coating Association (NCCA) is an established trade organization dedicated to the growth of coil coated products. The NCCA consists of over 100 member companies that are at the forefront of the industry. They provide coil coating services and are leading manufacturers and suppliers of metal, coatings, chemicals, and equipment. The members of the organization also process and warehouse the coil coated products prior to their delivery to the user industries. For more information, contact NCCA at 216-241-7333 or email at Visit the NCCA website at

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