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MBMA Celebrates 65-Year Anniversary Throughout 2021

mbma-65-year-logoCleveland, OH - The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) is celebrating 65 years of being the leader in the metal building systems industry throughout 2021. MBMA was founded in 1956 and serves manufacturers and suppliers by undertaking extensive technical research, promoting educational initiatives, publishing industry manuals and guidebooks, administering safety awareness programs, assisting with code development and much more.

“Since the original 13 metal building companies came together in 1956,” said Tony Bouquot, MBMA general manager, “MBMA has worked tirelessly to be at the forefront of the industry. The efforts of our members, the many volunteers and the countless hours they have invested as well as the contributions of our amazing staff have helped us reach this historic point. Thanks go out to all of them!”

Some historical milestones from the past 65 years:

September 1956: 13 metal building systems companies met in Chicago to form MBMA. Wilbur Larkin served as the first association chairman.

April 1957: MBMA Technical Committee first meets in Chicago.

1959: MBMA publishes Recommended Design Practices Manual, the first edition of what would become the Metal Building Systems Manual, the industry standard.

1966: MBMA sponsors first major research program—a study on tapered structural members at the State University of New York at Buffalo by Dr. George Lee.

June 1975: Duane Ellifritt, Ph.D., becomes MBMA’s first director of research and engineering.

1994: W. Lee Shoemaker, PE, Ph.D., is appointed MBMA director of research and engineering, a position he still holds.

2008: The International Accreditation Service (IAS) approved accreditation criteria for AC472, “Inspection Programs for Manufacturers of Metal Building Systems.” AC472 accreditation is a requirement to become a Building Systems member in MBMA.

2019: MBMA publishes the most recent edition of the Metal Building Systems Manual.

mbma-65-years-video2021: MBMA reaches its 65th year with 37 Building Systems members and 63 Associate members.

“It’s very exciting to lead the association into its 65th year,” added MBMA Chairman Greg Pasley, Ph.D., PE. “The past year has certainly had its challenges, but, looking back over the course of our history, it is clear that MBMA has helped bring the metal building systems industry to a point where we are stronger, more technically advanced and more resilient than ever.”

MBMA’s website ( has a more complete history of both the association and the metal building industry, as well detailed information about metal building systems and their many uses. A special video, MBMA 65 Years in 65 Seconds, is available on YouTube. There are also many free resources available for download, and additional manuals and publications for purchase at

About The Metal Building Manufacturers Association

mbma-logoFounded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership supplies high-quality buildings for use in commercial, retail, office, industrial, institutional and other end-uses. The association provides a wealth of information on its website for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems. It includes technical materials and design guides. For more information, visit

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