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ClarkDietrich Introduces Coil Strapping For Bracing Wall Studs And Floor Joists

clarkdietrich-coil-strap-2West Chester, OH - Adding to its lineup of clips and connectors, ClarkDietrich now offers a multi-purpose, commercial-grade coil strapping product for wall framing and floor joist applications.

The coil comes standard with pre-punched holes to speed up installation and improve overall installation costs.

“Our new commercial strapping product is yet another example of ClarkDietrich producing products and systems that make work on the job site easier, more efficient and cost-effective,” said Terry Westerman, vice president, marketing, ClarkDietrich. “Product differentiators such as pre-punched holes, user-friendly packaging and coming in a variety of lengths, all makes a contractor’s job easier.”

clarkdietrich-coil-strap-1ClarkDietrich’s commercial strapping is available in 1”, 1-1/2”, 2”, 2-1/2” and 3” widths, and comes in lengths ranging from 100' up to 200'. The new strapping product is also available in both 18- and 20-gauge options. ClarkDietrich offers tension load values.

ClarkDietrich’s Clip Express Service is a dedicated and streamlined support and delivery system for steel framing connection products.

About ClarkDietrich

ClarkDietrich_logoClarkDietrich™ offers cold-formed steel construction products. For more information, visit

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