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Bradbury Group To Present Educational Session At METALCON

Moundridge, KS — Two Bradbury Group representatives will present an educational session at METALCON in Tampa, FL, October 6-8. Matt Werner and Shawn Huffman represent The Bradbury Group and will share their roll forming knowledge with the industry.

Together they will present "Considerations for Metal Building Roll Formers." This presentation will challenge participants to think about panel, purlin and trim roll forming in a production environment. How does technology apply to return on investment? What is the balance between technology and resources? Does automation help the bottom line? Learn to understand the equipment used in the production of metal building components, what components to look for when investing in equipment, and technology and efficiency as it relates to productivity.

Matt Werner, Bradbury Group Senior Manager - Global Marketing and Sales, has been with The Bradbury Co., Inc. for 18 years. The first 10 years were in sales and product development with Bradbury’s trim manufacturing line of equipment, which includes hydraulic folders and light gauge slitting equipment, and North American Sales Manager for Hayes International.

Shawn Huffman, Sales Manager with Beck Automation, has been with Beck Automation for nine years, serving as the Sales Manager since joining the company. As a customer-focused manager, Huffman assists customers with technical support and the installation of software packages to ensure a service first approach. Beck Automation is a leading control system provider for the metal forming industry, making production machines more efficient and profitable.

About The Bradbury Group

Bradbury-logoThe Bradbury Group is a family of manufacturing companies dedicated to producing high-quality, productivity-enhancing equipment for customers worldwide, including those in the metal construction industry who produce metal buildings, metal claddings, insulated panel systems, metal framing and myriad other metal components, in addition to companies who process coil. To learn more, visit www.bradburygroup.com.   

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