International Door Association Honors Wayne Dalton® VP For Service
Tim Matthews |
Mt. Hope, OH - In recognition of his service to his community and the trade association, Tim Matthews, Wayne Dalton® Vice President of National Accounts, Builder Sales, was recently presented with the International Door Association's (IDA) Jerry R.
Reynolds Volunteer Leadership Award.
Matthews received his award during April's 2022 IDAExpo+, the premier educational venue for professionals who derive their living from the door and access systems industry. Named in honor of one of IDA’s founding fathers who was deeply admired for
his generosity in sharing his time and knowledge with fellow association members, the ‘Jerry R. Reynolds Volunteer Leadership’ award recognizes industry leaders who have demonstrated dedicated service to the IDA as a volunteer.
“To be awarded for exemplifying similar characteristics of Jerry Reynolds by an association that does such an outstanding job of representing the interests of both dealers and supplier members, is a true honor,” said Tim Matthews, Vice President
of National Accounts, Builder Sales at Wayne Dalton. “I want to thank Wayne Dalton and each of the industry leaders that I’ve had the pleasure of working beside while serving on the IDA board, achieving this award would not be possible
without their unwavering support and guidance.”
IDA’s mission is to be the leading trade association representing the door and access systems industry by providing advocacy, education and collaboration to advance the sector with increased professionalism and vibrant volunteer leadership and staff.
Each year, the IDA recognizes companies and individuals who have served the association or the garage door industry in an extraordinary way. The IDA depends extensively on recommendations from its membership as to who is deserving of these recognitions.
About Wayne Dalton
Wayne Dalton, a division of Overhead Door Corporation, designs and manufactures residential and commercial garage doors and markets through a nationwide dealer network. For more information, visit