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Metal Buildings Institute Publishes Temporary Bracing Guidelines

mbi-temporary-bracing-guidelinesBethlehem, PA - The Metal Buildings Institute (MBI) announces the release of Temporary Bracing Guidelines. This new design guide is meant to assist metal building contractors and erectors in developing temporary bracing and sequencing requirements for each metal building project.

It is now available for purchase at the MBI website,

“Metal building systems are highly engineered buildings designed to work as a whole unit to meet the project requirements,” said Keith Wentworth, MBI President. “While this makes them efficient and cost-effective, it can also mean that they are vulnerable to stability deficiencies during construction. We’ve published this design guide to provide a resource for contractors and erectors to address those issues.”

Temporary Bracing Guidelines begins with an introduction to metal building systems and the need for temporary bracing during the construction process. Chapters two and three examine the various building loads during construction and the strength and stability of the metal building system and its individual components. The guide then looks at temporary bracing for the different stages of the building process and the sequence of erection, while chapter five provides an analysis of the engineering requirements and load calculations. The design guide finishes with an example case of bracing for a building under construction, including illustrations.

mbcea-brace-to-build-videoIn addition to the design guide, MBI has released a short video, Brace The Build, in both English and Spanish, showing what can happen to a building when temporary bracing is not used. This video can be seen on the Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association (MBCEA) YouTube channel,

MBI offers MBCEA members a discount on the list price for this design guide, as well as discounts on other MBI training modules. For information on how to access these benefits, contact Sasha Demyan at To learn more about MBCEA membership, visit

About The Metal Buildings Institute

The MBI was formed in 2000 with a goal to improve the quality of in-place metal building construction by providing education and training programs to metal building contractors, erectors, and students in construction programs, for the direct benefit of specifiers, designers, and owners.

About The Metal Building Contractors And Erectors Association

mbcea-logoThe MBCEA was formed in 1968 to serve the needs and support the interests of metal building contractors and erectors. Its three main goals are: to provide programs and venues that enhance education opportunities for metal building contractors and erectors; to develop programs to enhance the image of metal building contractors and erectors, and the metal building industry; and to develop and maintain programs specifically designed to support and respond to the needs of the grassroots membership of the MBCEA. The association has membership from virtually every aspect of the industry throughout North America and across the globe. For more information, visit or contact Sasha Demyan at 484-239-3337.

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