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CFSEI Hosting Webinar On Floor Vibration, September 22, 2022

cfsei-floors-webinarWashington, DC - The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) will host a webinar on “Vibration Serviceability of Floors With Cold-Formed Steel Framing” on Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT. The webinar is designed for architects, engineers, building officials and contractors. Participants are eligible for 1.5 PDHs.

Cold-formed steel (CFS) joists and trusses have high strength-to-weight ratios and good overall economy, so they are popular choices for floor framing members. As is the case with most types of floor systems, CFS floors are potentially susceptible to vibrations due to walking and other human activities. However, unlike other materials, there is not a widely accepted and practical vibration evaluation method for CFS floors. This webinar will raise awareness of the importance of vibration serviceability by describing two forensics projects with lively CFS floors. It will also examine potential evaluation methods and case studies.

The webinar will be presented by Brad Davis, Ph.D., S.E., P.E., associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Kentucky, where he is responsible for all steel design coursework and has received awards recognizing excellence in teaching. As the owner of Davis Structural Engineering, LLC, he provides consulting services for structural vibration, forensics and advanced steel design applications. He is a member of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Committee on Manuals and is a co-author of “AISC Design Guide 11, Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems Due to Human Activity.” Davis has published approximately two dozen journal and conference papers on vibration. He earned his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and has eight years of experience in building design. He has S.E. and P.E. licenses in 14 states.

More information and registration details are available at

About The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

CFSEI_logoThe Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute comprises hundreds of structural engineers and other design professionals who are finding a better way to produce safe and efficient designs for commercial and residential structures with cold-formed steel. CFSEI members work together to develop and evolve industry standards and design methods, produce and issue technical bulletins, and provide seminars and online training to improve the knowledge and skills base of engineers and design professionals. For more information, visit

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