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Mule-Hide Expands Availability Of Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing Products Nationwide

mule-hide-spf-1Beloit, WI - Six Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) roofing systems from Mule-Hide Products Co. Inc. are now available nationwide. Previously only offered in Southwestern states, the systems have been rolled out nationally for roof restorations.

There are 60 SKUs available to meet the needs of any job. All are two-component, sprayed-in-place, rigid, closed-cell systems, providing a fully adhered, monolithic, sustainable air barrier and thermal insulation. Self-flashing, they are designed to offer seamless protection with no joints or fasteners and create a smooth surface that reduces the need to apply extra coating. All are lightweight, offer adhesion to most substrates, and enhance wind uplift resistance.

Part A for all six systems is SPF ISO A.

Part B for three systems has a traditional hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) resin. Each provides an R-value of 6.3 per inch and a continuous insulation without thermal breaks.

• SPF 2.5 HFC has a nominal 40 psi compressive strength.

• SPF 2.8 HFC has a nominal 60 psi compressive strength.

• SPF 3.0 HFC has a nominal 70 psi compressive strength.

Part B for three systems has a hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) resin that reduces the insulation’s global warming potential (GWP) and contains zero ozone-depleting particles (ODPs). Each provides an R-value of 6.7 per inch and a continuous insulation without thermal breaks.

• SPF+ 2.5 HFO has a nominal 40 psi compressive strength.

• SPF+ 2.8 HFO has a nominal 60 psi compressive strength.

• SPF+ 3.0 HFO has a nominal 70 psi compressive strength.

Each of the six systems is available in five reactivity grades – very slow, slow, regular, fast and very fast – allowing contractors to choose the system that is best-suited to ambient temperatures at the time of application. The lower the ambient temperature, the faster the reactivity grade that should be used.

All components are packaged in 55-gallon drums.

About MuleHide Products

Mule-Hide_logoMuleHide provides products for the low-slope roofing market, including recoating products for aged metal roofs. For more information, visit

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