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RICOWI Dispatches Team To Investigate Hurricane Ian Damage

Cape Coral, FL - The Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues, Inc. (RICOWI) has announced deployment of research team to Cape Coral, Florida to investigate damage from Hurricane Ian. The team began its investigation on October 24 and will wrap up its work on October 28, 2022.

RICOWI, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has implemented the Storm Investigation Program (SIP), a combining of the Hail and Wind Investigation Programs into one program. The mission of the SIP is to investigate the field performance of roof assemblies after major wind storm events, factually describe roof assembly performance and modes of damage, and formally report results of investigations and damage modes for substantiated wind speeds.

RICOWI, Inc. deployed team to investigate condition of roofs in the areas impacted by Hurricane Michael in the Gulf Coast landfall regions of Florida and surrounding areas in 2018. RICOWI, Inc. is again reaching out to the local governments, businesses and residents to help with this important research project by volunteering their wind damaged roofs for the research project. All information is kept confidential and is used strictly for research purposes. Reports of past investigations are available for no charge on the website. For those interested in volunteering their roof, contact RICOWI, Inc. at

The published findings will document roofing systems that fail or survive major wind events and provide educational materials for roofing professionals to design wind-resistant roofing systems.

RICOWI, Inc. members include major roofing associations and members of academia, educational and testing facilities and others involved in the science of roofing - including the Metal Construction Association and the Metal Building Manufacturers Association.


ricowi-logoThe Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues Inc. (RICOWI) is a non-profit organization comprised of the major roofing associations and includes members of academia, educational and testing facilities and others involved in the science of roofing. RICOWI is dedicated to and charged to research and study major weather incidents in relation to roof issues. For additional details, copies of reports issued and other materials, visit

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