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RIMA-I Wraps Up Successful Bi-Annual Meeting In New Orleans


RIMA-I's Bi-Annual Meeting included both a full Membership Meeting and meetings of various committees and groups.

Lenexa, KS - The Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International (RIMA-I) gathered October 19-20 at the Sheraton New Orleans for its Bi-Annual Meeting. The event was scheduled to coincide with an ASTM C-16 meeting at the same location.

On Wednesday, October 19, committees and groups met. They included the Advanced Building Code Coalition; Technical, Strategic Alliance, Verification and the International Conference Committees, the PR/Marketing/Membership Committee and the newly formed Sustainability Task Group.  The day concluded with a happy hour sponsored by Polyplex, then a group dinner.

Thursday, October 20 began with the full Membership Meeting where committee chairs gave summaries of the prior day’s discussions and tasks.  Retiring Directors Mark Lovan, of Echo Tape and Mike Boulding of Soprema were recognized for their two-year term on the Board of Directors.  Nominations for their vacated positions were taken from the floor.  Elections will be held following the meeting via electronic ballot. Other association business was also conducted.

Day two also included a presentation by keynote speaker William Paddock of WAP Sustainability Consultants, Nashville. His topic was “Sustainability and Carbon”. 

About RIMA-I

RIMA-I-logoRIMA-I represents reflective insulation, radiant barrier and interior radiation control coating (IRCC) manufacturers and other companies that are active within the industry. RIMA-I exists to educate the marketplace on the benefits of reflective technologies and to represent member's interests in establishing ASTM standards for testing and installation procedures. For more information, visit

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