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Knight Wall Systems Adds New Rollforming Line

knight-rollforming-line-rainscreenDeer Park, WA - Knight Wall Systems, supplier of building envelope rainscreens, announces that the company has expanded its custom rollforming capacity with the addition of a new line at its eastern Washington manufacturing facility, according to company president Doug Knight.

“In addition to being able to fabricate rainscreen components in custom lengths with minimal waste, we’ll also be able to increase overall production capacity,” Knight said. “It will reduce the lead-time for our newest product - ThermaZee (shown in accompanying photo) - by more than 30 percent.”

The new rollforming line will enable the company to grow its manufacturing capacity of standard engineered rainscreen components formed out of multiple gauges, in both coated steel and stainless steel. Custom parts will still be accommodated for projects requiring specially engineered systems and parts.

About Knight Wall Systems Inc.

Knight_Wall_Systems_logoKnight Wall Systems Inc. offers rainscreen systems. For more information, visit

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