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Hurricane Ian Investigative Report Released By RICOWI

ricowi-sponsoring-membersPrinceville, HI - The Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues (RICOWI) in partnership with the Storm Investigation Program (SIP) announces the release of the 2022 Hurricane Ian report.

RICOWI deployed four teams to investigate conditions of roofs in the areas impacted by Hurricane Ian in the mid Gulf Coast landfall regions of Florida and surrounding areas. The 131-page report covers the investigations of October 26-29, 2022.

Hurricane Ian came ashore in Florida on September 28, 2022, with wind speeds of 130 mph at 33' above ground level. RICOWI deployed a scout team on October 19 to 21, 2022. This was followed by three four-person teams during the following week of October 24. The slow-moving, long duration storm (forward speed 8 mph) with 130 mph winds as far inland as 30 miles, caused more occurrences of roof damage than expected; however, it was noted that the magnitude of most damage was relatively minor. It was found that all types of newer roofs (post-2006 construction) performed better than older roofs.

Information on the damage encountered, including photos and specific information, is included in the unbiased report. To download the report, click here.


ricowi-logoThe Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues Inc. (RICOWI) is a non-profit organization comprised of the major roofing associations and includes members of academia, educational and testing facilities and others involved in the science of roofing. RICOWI is dedicated to and charged to research and study major weather incidents in relation to roof issues. For additional details, copies of reports issued and other materials, visit

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