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MBMA Publishes Energy Code Compliance Guide

mbma-energy-code-guideCleveland, OH - The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) has published a new design guide, Energy Guide for Metal Building Systems: Code Compliance, 2nd Edition. This free publication provides information on how to design, construct, and maintain metal buildings to be energy efficient.

It is available at https://www.mbma.com/Energy_Efficiency.html.

“Compliance with energy codes is an important and necessary part of modern construction. This guide is a valuable resource for building owners, architects, specifiers, contractors, builders, and metal building manufacturers,” said W. Lee Shoemaker, Ph.D., P.E., MBMA’s Director of Research and Engineering. “It is based on the IECC 2018/2021/2024 (draft edition) and ASHRAE Standard 90.1 – 2016/2019/2022, so it references the most widely-used codes and information.”

Energy Guide for Metal Building Systems: Code Compliance is a synthesis of all the pertinent information on creating energy efficient, code-compliant metal buildings. The design guide consists of the following six chapters:

1. Design Responsibilities – Building and Energy Codes

2. Energy Code Fundamentals

3. IECC Building Envelope Compliance

4. ASHRAE 90.1 Building Envelope Compliance Methods

5. Insulating Metal Building Systems

6. Commercial Compliance Using COMcheck

Additionally, the guidebook has dozens of useful diagrams, figures and charts.

“Given all the recent energy code updates, the 2nd edition of this design guide is both timely and helpful,” added Tony Bouquot, MBMA general manager. “Many thanks to the MBMA staff and committee members who put this together.”

In addition to Energy Guide for Metal Building Systems: Code Compliance, 2nd Edition, MBMA’s website (www.mbma.com) has an array of free resources available for download, and also additional manuals and publications for purchase at www.mbmamanual.com.

About The Metal Building Manufacturers Association

mbma-logoFounded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership supplies high-quality buildings for use in commercial, retail, office, industrial, institutional and other end-uses. The association provides a wealth of information on its website for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems. It includes technical materials and design guides. For more information, visit www.mbma.com.

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