
Apotex Centre

RHEINZINK America Inc.

The new Apotex Centre for the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Pharmacy in downtown Winnipeg has become a distinctive campus landmark and provides enhanced connections with the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry as well as the Health Sciences Centre.

The 100,000 sq. ft. facility is divided into two stacked zones. The lower three levels include the undergraduate educational component clad in horizontally detailed, locally harvested aspen. The upper two levels comprise a refined floating RHEINZINK®-clad volume dedicated to undergraduate research.

Approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of 1.0mm/20 gauge RHEINZINK Shiplap Panels finished in Graphite Gray were utilized to create the desired effect of articulation and banded visual depth.

The project’s architect, George Cibinel, partner at Corbett Cibinel Architects during this project, said, “A key planning objective was to promote interaction between the undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty. Students learn everywhere in a campus environment, not just in the classrooms.” Cibinel is now president of Cibinel Architects Ltd., Winnipeg.

The $27 million project was completed on budget and on schedule.

Given its location in the center of the campus, Apotex Centre provides an important interior “connector” with other buildings, particularly during the Winnipeg winters. The building is also located on a prominent vehicular and pedestrian thoroughfare. “The façade became very important to us,” explained Cibinel. “We wanted to use warm materials such as zinc and wood. The RHEINZINK is a warm-looking material and has a nice depth to it.”

Cibinel said his firm had not used RHEINZINK before. Working with the RHEINZINK fabricator/installer, Tri Clad Designs of Lorette, Manitoba, the design team constructed a 10’ x 10’ mockup of the profile in order to get familiar with it over a period of time. “The longer we looked at it, the more we liked it,” Cibinel said. “The Shiplap panels create an attractive clapboard look. We were able to get a really nice human scale. The Graphite Gray finish provides nice depth and the sun plays on it beautifully. It has a real look of permanence and quality.”

Georg Koslowski, RHEINZINK’s Director of Technical Services – Canada and a registered architect, was deeply involved in the project and provided initial technical support. “The result of all participants working together is evidenced by the refinement of this Shiplap rainscreen and the perfection in detailing,” Koslowski said. “Kudos to the architects, contractor and sub-trades.”

The general contractor on the project was Bockstael Construction, Winnipeg.

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit

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