
Southern General Hospital

James & Taylor Ltd.

Cladding specialists James & Taylor have created a shimmering, high-tech façade for Glasgow’s new £17 million maternity unit - reflecting its world-class status in a project involving the biggest ever single investment in Scottish health services.

The stunning finish to the new unit at the city’s Southern General Hospital was created using five different acid-etched processes on Senses aluminum (aluminium) tiles with an anodized finish. James & Taylor worked with architect Hypostyle to design a ‘random’ pattern to ensure the different finishes were distributed cohesively across the elevations. The company supplied 500 square meters of their Senses aluminum rainscreen system together with 553 square meters of their Alphaton terracotta Rainscreen system in Hellgrau (light grey) for the unit, which is part of the second phase of a massive modernization program by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Hypostyle took their inspiration from an existing façade created by James & Taylor.

Jim McFadden of Hypostyle said: “ We had a look at Manchester University’s Michael Smith building, where James & Taylor had created a similar finish – and we liked what we saw. The tiles create a subtle texturized finish giving variation to the façade, rather than the monoblock effect of other aluminium panels. James & Taylor have been extremely helpful throughout the process, from initial design right through to the finishing of the façade on site.”

Colin Henderson of James & Taylor said; ”We were delighted to be asked to work with the architects on this highly individualized and stunning façade. It adds spirit and life to a building that will be important to the surrounding community for many years to come.“

The new maternity unit includes a fetal medicine unit, operating theatres, purpose built labor unit, a neonatal intensive care unit and a special care baby unit.For further information on James & Taylor, go to

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