
Gyula, Hungary, Tower

Copper Exclusive

This beautiful column topper in Gyula, Hungary, was a recreation done by Copper Exclusive's Erno Ovari, veteran European craftsman. Primarily using 0.8mm titanium zinc, with 1mm titanium zinc for some details, the new column topper (top photo) is respectful of the original 9' zinc column topper (lower photo) that had lived a long life and was well loved.

Copper Exclusive, who handles contracting work in the United States, is also a supplier of quality European-crafted roofing supplies.

Erno Ovari's career in metal craft dates back to 1985, with experience in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Switzerland as well as 11 years of intensive education in this trade. He has achieved the degree of “Meisterbrief”, the highest contractor certification in Europe.

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