
Colorado Mountain Home

RHEINZINK America Inc.

The exterior of a beautiful mountain home near Grand Junction, CO features a striking combination of natural materials including actual 14” diameter logs and RHEINZINK roof panels. The 3,400 sq. ft. residence doubles as a fishing lodge for the owners and features life-like images of a rainbow trout and cutthroat trout pounded from RHEINZINK and mounted on the exterior.

A primary objective of the design team, composed of Mike Burgoyne and Rehn Hassell at Yunker Associates, Minneapolis, was to use a palette of completely natural materials. Approximately 8,900 sq. ft. of pre-weathered graphite-gray RHEINZINK was utilized for the Double Lock Standing Seam Roof, RHEINZINK Gutter System and select interior applications. Complementing the RHEINZINK are the stained log surfaces which are very weathered—unlike normal log home logs that are highly polished and stained reddish.

“We wanted all materials to blend into the environment,” according to project architect Mike Burgoyne. “The RHEINZINK fell so naturally into that approach. The patina process begins quickly and the material dulls down to look like it’s been there for a long time.”

The designers initially considered natural copper but decided not to use it because of a concern about bleeding onto the log walls. “We also rejected pre-finished steel and aluminum because they don’t weather well,” Burgoyne said.

The area in which the lodge is located receives a large amount of daily snow. “Handling the snow was a huge issue,” according to Burgoyne. “The temperature range fluctuates widely during the day so we get a lot of melting and sliding snow. Getting water away from the house was critical. The RHEINZINK system worked very well. And it’s a lot simpler to say that it worked well than it sounds because of all of the snow that slides down and wants to tear off anything in its path. A system that holds itself together is obviously critically important.”

The interior use of RHEINZINK included built-in cabinetry and trim in the lodge’s equipment room where fishing rods, waders and gear is stored.

Installation of the RHEINZINK roof and drainage system was done by Mullenax Construction & Roofing, Rifle, CO. The fabrication of the roof panels was done on-site. “We used a portable break and also did lots of fabrication and bending with hand tools,” Greg Mullenax said. “It was a complicated job but a satisfying job.”

The RHEINZINK distributors on the project were MetalTech—USA, Peachtree City, GA and ABC Supply Company, Grand Junction, CO. The general contractor was Rio Blanco Construction, Edwards, CO.

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit

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