
Grand Vista Apartments Water Feature

Banker Wire

The Studio City neighborhood of Los Angeles was established along with the prominent movie studios during the early 20th century. In one of its high-end apartment complexes, a new water feature created with Banker Wire mesh, emphasizes the connection between Studio City and the movie industry – and provides a canvas for multimedia entertainment.

The 150,00-square-foot Grand Vista apartment complex caters largely to members of the movie industry. With that in mind, designer and fabricator ARTBOX construction Inc. created a waterfall feature on which residents of its 125 luxury units can play videos or slide shows while enjoying their outdoor surroundings. At other times, the waterfall simply provides a relaxing enclave in the midst of a busy neighborhood.

Banker Wire woven wire mesh creates a delicate curtain of water that acts as a projection screen. The M13Z-247 mesh used for the installation is composed of long, straight sections of horizontally oriented wire, woven together with tight groupings of three vertically oriented wires. Translucent when not in use as a projection screen, the mesh and water filter natural light, and together, create the sound of rain that brings a sense of tranquility to the space.

"Banker Wire's quality of products and attention to detail helped ARTBOX construction Inc. achieve a beautiful and functional installation. When it comes to architectural woven wire mesh, we'll use Banker Wire again,” says Babak Emanuel, principal at ARTBOX construction.

This feature was designed to be environmentally friendly – using low voltage electricity, high-efficiency equipment and recycled water. Banker Wire mesh is composed of 80 to 85 percent post-consumer and 12 to 18 percent pre-consumer recycled steel.

About Banker Wire

Banker Wire offers architectural wire mesh. For more information, visit

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