
Sagaponack Residence

RHEINZINK America Inc.

Inspired by noted American architect Norman Jaffe, the strikingly contemporary Sagaponack Residence on Long Island is highlighted by distinctively unique angles both inside and out. Jaffe was widely recognized for his contemporary residential style and use of natural materials and passive solar forms of design for his many South Long Island beach houses.

The 2,700 sq. ft. private residence is located one-half mile from the Atlantic coast and sited in an area that was originally characterized by long vistas over farm fields to the ocean beyond. Now, the area is thickly built up with weekend homes. The project was meant to address this change by creating a place that focuses on the immediate landscape and provides a garden environment for the owner.

A collaborative arrangement between two architectural firms brought the project to life. Andrew Reyniak, principal at ARAPC, New York, was architect of record; Mark Anthony C. Verzosa, principal at +macv, Sag Harbor, NY, was design consultant and general contractor.

“We knew we wanted to use zinc from the beginning,” Verzosa said. “We wanted a material that had a life.” Approximately 5,500 sq. ft. of prePATINA blue-grey RHEINZINK was specified to provide the life and the look that the design team sought. RHEINZINK Vertical Angled Standing Seam Panels and Flat Lock Tiles clad the exterior along with rough-sawn, locally-sourced white cedar. RHEINZINK Double Lock Standing Seam Panels were used on the roof.

“The RHEINZINK is obviously a very versatile material,” according to Verzosa. “The color blends very well into the environment and the sky in particular. And we like the way it patinas and self-heals.”

The unique design of the house incorporates unusual angles on both the exterior and interior. “There’s not a lot of 90 degree or horizontal plumb walls,” Verzosa said. “The dramatic geometry of the building created complicated detailing on the project.”

Fabrication and installation of the RHEINZINK panels was done by Metropan Systems, Inc., Bayside, NY. The company specializes in zinc façade and roofing projects, according to John Gushue, president. “We’ve done more than 60 zinc projects since 2001 and the majority have been RHEINZINK,” Gushue said.  “If I could do zinc every day, I would.”

The unusual geometry of the Sagaponack Residence made for a challenging installation. “There was nothing cookie cutter about this job,” according to Gushue. “We began meeting with the architect about a year before actually starting the work in order to incorporate the very best detailing. Every fastener is hidden and there’s no caulk on the façade. Many of the RHEINZINK panels were fabricated on-site in order to bend around corners. And the flashing details had to be meticulous.”

The design of the project presents a modern, artistic look in every aspect. “Of all the zinc projects we’ve done, this is my favorite,” Gushue said. “It was a great job to be on. And properly maintained, it could last for 150 years.”

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit

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