
Goal Kick Indoor Soccer Complex

Steel Building Insulation

Count Ben Macrae as a satisfied customer of Littleton, CO-based Metal Building Insulation. Macrae is the general manager of the Goal Kick Indoor Soccer Complex in Spencer, IA. He said the difference in operating costs and comfort was dramatic and immediate following the installation of one of the company's insulation systems in the interior of the steel-framed, membrane-skinned soccer arena.

“The contractor did not go over the issues,” Macrae said regarding the failure to insulate the 12,500 sq. ft. structure at the time of its original construction. The only way to compensate for the building’s lack of thermal efficiency at that point was to crank up the thermostat…not that it really helped.

“This year we are saving up to $2,500 per month in our heating bills,” said Macrae, who noted that it didn’t take the first energy bill to know the insulation had made a huge difference. “The proof in performance was quickly realized as it became more comfortable to be in the soccer arena than outside in the cold. I would strongly recommend the installation of insulation and the professional services of Building Outlet Corp.”

Success stories like Goal Kick’s are not unique to Metal Building Insulation. The company provides insulation systems for new and existing metal buildings for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is energy savings. But insulation can also help prevent condensation, control noise and increase lighting efficiency. Insulation is also an environmentally friendly feature that can provide tax benefits!

According to the company enough air escapes from the typical building in a typical day to fill 10 of the big blimps synonymous with professional sporting events. In winter, cold air seeps in and the warm air escapes. In the summer, the reverse is true. This is most common of the areas around doors and windows.

Metal Building Insulation contends that occupants of older commercial buildings may be paying as much as 50% more for heating and cooling to compensate for air leakage. And even in newer construction with standard fiberglass insulation, the waste could amount to thousands of dollars a year. Proper air sealing and insulation stops drafts and maintains humidity levels in winter. In summertime it works to keep your home cool, dry and comfortable.

To learn more about the high-performance insulation products and systems offered by Metal Building Insulation, call 800-292-0111, or visit

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