
SR-154 Pedestrian Bridge

Floline Architectural Systems LLC

Floline Architectural Systems LLC supplied 7,100 sq. ft. of crimp-curved 4”-deep metal roof panels to cover the SR-154 Pedestrian Bridge in Bangerter, UT. The panels were formed from 22-gauge steel with a Galvalume Plus finish.

The original design drawings for called for 3” deep Type “N” roof deck in 20-gauge steel with an unpainted galvanized finish. Knowing that a better product was available, Floline suggested the use of the different panel configuration. It was noted that sidelap orientation (high rib on the 4” panel vs. low rib on the 3” roof deck) and better long-term corrosion performance of Galvalume were deciding factors in the selection of the 4” deep panels.

The project designer was the Utah Department of Transportation (Structures Division), located in Salt Lake City, UT. The general contractor and installing contractor was Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co. LLC of Draper, UT. Also involved was Wisconsin Steel Contractors, Inc. of Mequon, WI. The bridge was completed in June 2012.

Photo by Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company LLC

About Floline Architectural Systems

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