
Boston Children's Museum

RHEINZINK America Inc.

Approximately 25,000 sq. ft. of RHEINZINK® 0.8mm/22 gauge Preweathered Flat-Lock Tiles and perforated panels were used as a key design element for the expansion of the Boston Children’s Museum.

The $47 million expansion and renovation project was designed by Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA. The design was conceived to augment the strong, simple mass of the existing warehouse structure while creating a new look for the museum. The design also takes full advantage of the dramatic waterfront site.

The RHEINZINK material was used on the addition to highlight a new entry and lobby area. The custom perforated panels with holes of 3” in diameter were installed over colored glass and/or Trespa panels.

The project received LEED Gold certification in early 2008.

Metal Tech-USA, Peachtree City, GA, fabricated the custom perforated sunscreen panels. Sunrise Erectors, Canton, MA, fabricated and installed the Flat-Lock Tiles in addition to installing the perforated panels. The general contractor on the project was Shawmut Design and Construction, Boston.

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit

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