
Shanghai Grand Theatre

Arkema Inc.

Where East meets West shines the brightest star on Shanghai’s architectural stage, the shimmering Shanghai Grand Theatre. The architects, Arte Jean Marie Charpentier and the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group, wanted the Grand Theatre “to look like a transparent crystal palace, modern yet incorporating the soul of Chinese architecture.”

Six cascades of water flowing day and night complement the cool hues. The curved roof soaring skyward is made of aluminum panels, finished with a Kynar 500® resin-based metal coating for long-lasting protection.

Kynar 500® resin-based coating protects the brilliant white roof against punishing humidity and intense sunlight, industrial pollutants, and soiling. Completed in 1998, the Shanghai Grande Theatre is an established international landmark.

Kynar 500® resin-based metal coatings are preferred by architects and contractors the world over for long-term durability and color retention under the most extreme conditions.

About Arkema

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