
Residential Metal Roofing - The Secret Is Out

By Shawn Zuver,

Everyone has secrets. Sometimes they're small and sometimes they're life-altering. Sometimes they go to the grave and other times they're exposed and have dramatic repercussions that change the fates of nations. In our industry, it appears that the secret about metal roofing is out because it seems like everywhere I turn lately on TV there's someone championing the benefits of metal roofs, particularly for homes.

Allow me to step back for a moment and try to explain why I've come to this conclusion. My wife and I watch a fair amount of home improvement shows and programs depicting people who're looking for new homes. I wouldn't say that it's an obsession, but we do find it more entertaining than exposés about folks who clip coupons or take their kids to dance competitions, or bakers who need to create a cake that looks like an aquarium, or aquarium builders who are creating a tank that looks like a cake. (I guess I'm exaggerating about the cake-aquarium connections, though I don't really watch those types of I could be correct.)

Over the past few years on the home shows that we watch, and during the last few months in particular, I've noticed a stunning amount of homeowners who are either looking at buying a house with a metal roof or they're deciding to put a metal roof on their existing home.

I'm talking about shows like Fixer Upper, Property Brothers, Beachfront Bargain Hunt, House Hunters, and DIY Network's Blog Cabin - actually, I'm seeing metal roofing on virtually anything related to log cabins. Sometimes it's the designer or contractor who touts the benefits of metal roofing, but there are other instances where the homeowner or even a realtor demonstrates their admiration for the aesthetics and longevity offered by metal. And it seems that the "tiny house" genre - loosely defined by homes of 500 sq. ft. or less - is comprised of some of the biggest fans of metal roofing outside of the members of the actual Metal Roofing Alliance, a group who's devoted solely to furthering the use of metal roofing for residences.

I have to admit that this sudden awareness of metal roofing is a bit gratifying because I've been writing about the advantages of metal roofs for decades in print and online, while showcasing the efforts of several roofing suppliers, along with organizations like the Metal Roofing Alliance, the Metal Construction Association and the American Iron And Steel Institute, among others. An incredible amount of work has gone into promoting residential metal roofing by this select group, and it's great to see that hard work being recognized.

If you haven't noticed this movement toward residential metal roofing, I'd encourage you to take a look around any of the home improvement networks. It shouldn't take long before you see metal roofing being used and praised on numerous shows. You're likely to come away with some ideas about using a metal roof on your home.

For those of you who'd like to know more about metal roofing for homes, please check out some stunning examples in our Project Type Gallery. You'll find dozens of metal roofs on everything from single-family houses to large developments and apartment complexes. In addition, there are many great case studies spotlighting exterior and interior metal wall treatments, as well as steel framing.

Now that the secret about residential metal roofing is out, feel free to tell everyone you know.

Shawn Zuver is editorial/content director for He has been covering the metal construction industry, including residential and non-residential construction, since 1985. To contact Shawn, email

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