
Designing With Insulated Metal Roof Panels

Kira-RogatnikBy Kira Rogatnik, Metl-Span

Combining both utility and aesthetics, insulated metal roof panels (IMPs) are growing in popularity. Once used primarily for cold storage, this versatile building solution is ideal for numerous commercial and industrial projects. The IMP roof panels provide air, water and vapor barriers all in one product. Office buildings, schools, community buildings, athletic facilities, data centers, retail centers and industrial warehouses are ideal applications.

Roof Durability

IMP roof panels have a design life of 50 years or longer. In fact, IMPs can outperform traditional membrane roofs by many decades. Greater roof longevity helps reduce maintenance and repair expenses over the course of a building’s lifetime.

In terms of aesthetics, insulated metal roofing systems share the same attributes as all other ribbed panel systems.

Streamlined Installation

Most field-assembled roof systems require numerous trades to install the components that serve as insulation and a moisture barrier. Such roof assemblies boost installation costs and allow more opportunities for errors or construction delays. IMP roofs streamline the installation process because they are a one-piece solution. Also, because the roof panels are light-weight, they are easy for a small team to install.

Most manufacturers cut roof panels to size and feature a simple clip and fastener system. This speeds the installation process, reducing labor costs. It is also helpful to have an engineering department review the project to ensure the use of the roof panels fits the overall project design. For a successful installation, it is important to follow the panel installation guidelines.

With insulated metal panel systems, the underside of the panels becomes the ceiling inside the building. In addition to saving time, this ability saves money in terms of labor and materials.

Attractive Options

In addition to being practical, insulated metal roofs are also attractive and aesthetically versatile. IMPs come in a variety of designs and colors and are seamlessly integrated with insulated metal wall systems as well as other wall assemblies.

Energy Efficiency

Building codes have become more stringent and now require an R-value of 19. IMP roof panels rise to the challenge. The polyurethane core comes in thicknesses of 2 to 6 inches. IMP roof panels with 3 inches of continuous insulation meet the new building codes and offer a simple, comprehensive solution.

Continuous polyurethane insulation boosts energy performance of the project for the life of the roof and does not have issues with compressed insulation points. The polyurethane core prevents thermal bridging for exceptional thermal performance.

Many designers and builders are taking advantage of IMP roof panels for a variety of applications. The final product is both attractive and functional.

Kira Rogatnik is a Business Development Manager at Metl-Span, a leading manufacturer of insulated metal roof and wall panel systems for architectural and commercial/industrial applications.

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