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Manistee High School


Manistee High School in Manistee, MI utilized 17,000 sq. ft. of Metl-Span’s CF-36 polyurethane foam insulated panels in canopy overhangs and soffits to create dramatic accents on its new building. The 2” flat embossed 22 gauge panels are finished in special Patina Green and provide a striking complement to the brick exterior.

The architectural firm on the project was Design Works A/E, Grand Rapids, MI. Dennis Bekken, vice president of Design Works, attributed much of the success of the project to the panel installer, Architectural Glass & Metals, Inc., Byron Center, MI. “AGM provided invaluable assistance in the design and documentation stage,” reports Bekken. “We knew we wanted an insulated panel with structural span capability specifically for the sloping soffit detail. And we were familiar with the Metl-Span product due to our long relationship with Architectural Glass & Metals. It was a perfect application.”

According to Dave Sheasley of AGM, “As an enclosure contractor, we were a natural fit for the project. The Metl-Span panels were ideal for the canopy overhangs, soffits and column covers. This project was obviously high profile in the community and we were delighted to deliver a great looking job that totally achieved the design goals.”

About Metl-Span

Metl-Span-logoMetl-Span, a Nucor company, manufactures insulated metal wall and roof systems for projects ranging from architectural to cold-storage. To learn more, visit www.metlspan.com.

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