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Derwood Bible Church

American Buildings

Derwood Bible Church, in Derwood, Maryland, provides a new and improved worship location and achieved the silver level of LEED® accreditation for its green building practices. In addition to a new worship space, the 18,000-square-foot building, built by Gardiner & Gardiner Contracting LLC, an American Buildings Company (ABC) Authorized Builder, includes a nursery/toddler area, rehearsal room and conference rooms.

The clear span building was built using sage and warm white Stucco Choice and Architectural II wall panels with Galvalume® Standing Seam 360 roof panels. The LEED Silver accreditation is a requirement for commercial buildings in Montgomery County and the silver level is the second level of achievement based on the environmental integrity of the project. Metal was selected for the project because it contains more than 70 percent recycled content that contributes greatly to LEED points. Additionally, the silver level was achieved by the following Green Building items:

• Using permeable asphalt paving

• Parking for low emissions vehicles

• Limiting storm water run-off

• Cleaner storm water run-off

• Energy efficient mechanical equipment and lighting

• Construction waste management

• Use of regional and recycled materials

For their work on the project, Gardiner & Gardiner Contracting was awarded first place in the 2014 ABC Excellence in Design Awards in the Green category. The ABC Excellence in Design Awards program recognizes Builders and Roofers for their innovation in design and metal systems construction.

About American Buildings

For more than 75 years American Buildings has been pioneering the design, manufacture and delivery of metal buildings and roofing systems that set the industry standard. From industrial and commercial structures to tailored projects for the automotive, retail and transportation industries, the American Buildings family of Authorized Builders has the expertise to exceed expectations for custom engineered metal building projects in a variety of industry segments. American Buildings delivers a proven combination of products, technology, and customer service to accurately execute projects on time and on budget. For more information, visit


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