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Arthur J. Altmeyer Federal Building

Micro Texture Finish On Aluminum Provides Uniform Exterior Look For Federal Building Makeover

Uniformity across large surfaces, price stability and product availability in a time of supply chain uncertainty were all factors in the decision by designers to go with Rigidized® Metals' InvariMatte® micro texture finish on aluminum for the exterior cladding of the newly renovated Arthur J. Altmeyer Federal Building in Woodlawn, MD.

Serving as the primary offices for senior Social Security Administration personnel, the Arthur J. Altmeyer Federal Building is one of numerous buildings at the agency’s Woodlawn campus. It was built in 1960 and looked much like it did until its recent makeover.

A multi-studio team collaborated for the complex project. HGA was responsible for workplace design and engineering efforts while Snow Kreilich and Studio NYL led the design of the public spaces and high-performance exterior envelope. OLIN was charged with landscape design.

When Rigidized® Metals became involved in the project, the company was asked to provide a bead-blasted InvariMatte® finish in both stainless steel and aluminum. But bead blast finishes can have flatness and variability issues, lacking consistency and a uniform look on large-scale projects.

What When Rigidized® Metals became involved in the project, the company offered its it was asked originally to provide a bead-blasted InvariMatte® finish in both stainless steel and aluminum, as a solution.

The request for a bead blast finish, plus an offering of stainless steel, presented two major cost issues. First, bead blasting is typically done in sheet form, and can be very expensive. Second, stainless steel costs have been increasing and supply chain issues have exacerbated the problem.

the ever rising cost of stainless steel is an issue, especially with added supply chain issues.

As a viable alternative, Rigidized® Metals offered instead its InvariMatte® Micro Texture on aluminum. InvariMatte® can be rolled coil-to-coil, saving money on sheet costs, and aluminum is a far more cost-effective material than stainless steel.

Rigidized® Metals' InvariMatte® micro texture is a non-directional, low gloss, consistent, uniformly textured, naturally cleaning finish with a dull bead blast appearance. Not only does the surface clean naturally, it also masks dents and scratches, while reducing glare, making it ideal for exterior applications of any size and scale, including those in high-traffic areas.

The Arthur J. Altmeyer Building modernization project has received a number of industry awards, from the Facade Tectonics Institute; the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Minnesota Chapter; and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

The U.S. Green Building Council also recognized Altmeyer with a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC) Silver certification. LEED is the world’s largest green building rating system, providing a framework for efficient, cost-saving green facilities.

About Rigidized® Metals

Rigidized-logoSince 1940, Rigidized® Metals Corporation has been a leader in the production of engineered metal surfaces and panels. Metal texturing to stainless, titanium, anodized aluminum, copper and other metal substrates adds strength, durability and beauty, making the company's products ideal choices for a whole host of interior and exterior applications, including as roofing, column covers, walls, elevator interiors, ceilings, screens and more. To learn more, visit

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