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Central Ohio Metal Roof Retrofit

TopHat Quik-Clip System Is Key To Metal Roof Retrofit Of Central Ohio Industrial Building

A metalcasting production plant in Central Ohio was the site of a different kind of roof retrofit in late 2012 when TopHat Framing Systems’ new Quik-Clip system was employed to facilitate the installation of a new metal roof over an old corrugated transite deck.

Mark Beck, president of The Beck Co., a Cleveland, OH based roofing contractor, described the 24,000 sq. ft. of old corrugated transite roofing as “a very irregular, large-area substrate.” Installing a new metal roof using a retrofit framing system seemed an ideal solution because it would allow the existing roof to remain in place, thus mitigating the expense and hassles related to its removal. What was unclear, however, was whether the different thicknesses of the transite panels would allow it.

Quik-Clip for Transite Retrofit

Beck found an ideal solution to the problem with TopHat Framing Systems’ new Quik-Clip Economy Retrofit. According to Beck, “The versatility of the Quik-Clip system…provided the perfect solution to a difficult roof replacement situation.” Quik-Clip is a patent-pending retrofit framing system specifically engineered for low-profile and corrugated roof panels. When working with a corrugated or transite roof, the traditional retrofit system cannot accommodate roof variations that prevent the installation of a flat overlay.

Channels Level Despite Roof Variations

On this difficult job, Beck installed TopHat Quik-Clip clips of varying heights specifically designed for the different thicknesses of transite panels. Clip height variations allowed the hat channels to sit above the purlins at a consistent height. To further ensure that the upper level of the channels was constant, each channel was recessed on one end so it would lay flush under the un-recessed side of the next channel. “Swedged” hat channels fit together much like downspouts and created a level plane upon which the new roof was installed.

Manufacturing Uninterrupted

Beck described the job as quick and efficient, with work beginning in September of 2012 and completed by November. Installed over the framing was a new 22-gauge Metal Sales Magna-Loc standing seam roof system with a Regal Blue paint finish. This was installed without interruption of the ductile iron pipe manufacturing that takes place inside. The old transite roof, which was chosen decades ago for its resistance to the effects of manufacturing operations, stayed in place.

About Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is a premier nationwide provider of metal panels for the building and construction industry. Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2013, Metal Sales produces roof, wall and fascia metal panels at 21 facilities throughout the U.S. Metal Sales has outreach around the world, delivering outstanding quality and the finest customer service from highly-trained professionals and one of the largest sales forces in the industry. For more information, visit

About TopHat Framing Systems  

tophat_logoTopHat Framing Systems offers strong, cost-effective metal reroofing, metal roof retrofit and metal roof overlay solutions using innovative and patented product lines. For more information, visit

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