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National Security Space Institute, Peterson Air Force Base

Training Facility Soars With The Help Of CENTRIA’s Architectural Products

The National Security Space Institute (NSSI), located at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was recently relocated to the base to accommodate the rise in class sizes and demand for new courses. Products from CENTRIA were used in the construction of the new facility that is used for training and education.

The relocation of the NSSI improves facility security, provides a closer proximity to headquarters and other base facilities, offers a logical design, and enhances the learning environment with updated classrooms along with an upgraded library and a resource room. According to the Air Force Times, the NSSI became part of the Air University’s Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development.

The building construction adheres to Executive Order (EO) 13243 “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” which requires federal agencies to lead by example in advancing the nation’s energy security and environmental performance. This includes constructing or renovating buildings in accordance with sustainability strategies, including resource conservation, reduction, and use; siting; and indoor environmental quality as well as purchasing of environmentally sound goods and services. As part of fulfilling EO 13243 requirements, many buildings at Peterson Air Force Base are built with LEED® Silver certification.

In addition to providing a conducive environment to promote education for students and faculty, Peterson Air Force Base is also committed to helping the environment by incorporating green products into its designs. The products used provide a high level of performance and sustainability while adhering to the NSSI’s goal of remaining environmentally conscious.

CENTRIA’s Formawall Dimension Series provides CENTRIA’s advanced thermal and moisture protection (ATMP®) technology. Formawall Dimension Series’ single panels provide long term protection due in part to its rainscreen with pressure-equalized and vented, dry-sealed joinery. The panels feature a thermal break between face and liner for optimal R-values. Integrated air and vapor barriers are well suited for unpredictable Colorado weather.

A traditional wall system is comprised of up to seven parts. Formawall’s single component construction eliminates the need for air barriers, gypsum sheathing, fiberglass insulation, and other components seen in traditional multi-component wall systems. Another benefit to installing a single component wall is that its manageable weight helps reduce structural support requirements, which cuts installation and material costs and also saves the energy expended by heavy equipment needed to lift brick, additional structural steel, and precast materials.

Formawall Dimension Series panels also provide unmatched aesthetic options with the aid of concealed clips and fasteners and a variety of interchangeable reveals, thickness and profile configurations, as well as CENTRIA’s comprehensive line of colors and finishes.

CENTRIA’s IW Series Concealed Fastener panels complement the Formawall Dimension Series cladding while providing a clean, unbroken aesthetic. In addition to the interesting visual effects the IW Series provides, the panels may be insulated to meet many levels of thermal protection.

The project architect was Benham, a SAIC company, of Oklahoma City, OK; the CENTRIA products dealer/installer was GEN3 Construction of Denver, CO; and the contractor was PCL Construction of Denver, CO. The total project measured 53,000 sq. ft.

CENTRIA products used on this project included:

  • Formawall® Dimension Series® 2” Horizontal. Square feet: 4,481; Color: Champagne Bronze; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Sundance® Mica; Gauge: 22/26.

  • Formawall Dimension Series 3” Horizontal. Square feet: 4,892; Color: Champagne Bronze; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Sundance Mica; Gauge: 22/26.

  • Formawall Dimension Series 2” Horizontal. Square feet: 978; Color: French Roast; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Sundance Mica; Gauge: 22/26.

  • Formawall Dimension Series 2” Horizontal. Square feet: 14,405; Color: French Roast; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Sundance Mica; Gauge 22/26.

  • IW Series Concealed Fastener IW-10 Vertical. Square feet: 941; Color: Champagne Bronze; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Sundance Mica; Gauge: 22.

LEED and the related logo is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used with permission.


CENTRIA, a Nucor company, supplies a variety of architetural metal wall and roof systems. For more information, visit

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