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North Windy Ridge School

North Windy Ridge School Gets A New Metal Roof With Help Of Roof Hugger Sub-Purlins

North Windy Ridge, located in Weaverville, North Carolina recently completed a “metal-over-metal” retrofit re-roofing. The suburban school serves approximately 600 fifth and sixth grade students and is part of the North Buncombe District of Buncombe County Schools. Nestled between the Blue Ridge Parkway and the French Broad River, the school is a new concept to the state of North Carolina that merges the last year of elementary school with the first year of middle school.

Canon Consulting & Engineering, Inc. was selected as the design consultant for the project. Established in 1983, Canon is located in Moore, SC, and is very familiar with school retrofitting with metal roofing. With over 80 manufacturers representing nearly 500 product specifications there are literally thousands of combinations of roofing products and assemblies available today. Keeping abreast with past, present, and emerging technology requires full-time dedication to the increasingly complex component common to all buildings. A roof consultant and engineer such as Canon provides services that specialize in this field. Canon Consulting is also the design consultant on the current North Lincoln High School retrofit being performed in Lincolnton, NC.

Unique to the design of this re-roofing application were custom-made sub-purlins that provided convective ventilation through the air-space between the existing and new roofs. Also known as “above sheathing ventilation” or ASV, this ventilation technology provides building owners with tremendous energy saving benefits. Based on research conducted at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Building Envelope Technology department, roofs fitted with ASV can reduce heat gain by as much as 45% - lowering energy demand. The sub-purlins were provided by Roof Hugger, Inc. of Lutz, FL, which is recognized as the leader in retrofit metal-over-metal sub-framing systems. Roof Hugger’s patented sub-purlins are manufactured to “match” virtually any existing roof profile, which in this case was a snap-lock vertical rib standing seam. Atop the sub-purlins, a new metal standing seam roof is installed.

MBCI of Houston, TX, provided the new metal roof. For maximum wind resistance, the MBCI 24 GA “SuperLok” profile with 16” rib spacing and 180 degree machine seamed rib was specified in an MBCI Energy Star rated Brownstone color. Some 104,320 square feet of new roofing was installed including appropriate flashings and trim by MBCI Certified Installer Eastern Corporation of Youngsville, NC. Eastern is no stranger to metal roofing either. They have provided metal roofing on numerous new and existing buildings over the last 15 years. Eastern consistently utilizes their expertise to benefit the building owner in the form of cost savings and a reliable roof for many years.

For more information on MBCI metal roofing, go to

About Roof Hugger

roof hugger logoRoof Hugger notched sub-purlins enable replacement of new metal roof panels over an old metal roof. They can be used over screw-down or standing seam roof systems and can accommodate new standing seam or screw-down panels. Roof Huggers also maintain integrity of original design loadings; achieve "thermal break" air space between old and new roof sheets; allow for optional insulation; and are laboratory and load tested—with certified load charts. For more information on metal-over-metal retrofit re-roofing, contact Roof Hugger at 800-771-1711 or visit

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