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U.S. Navy Pierside Maintenance Offices

Panel Built Structures Help Keep U.S. Submarines In Tip-Top Condition

While not permitted to reveal the project’s location, Panel Built Inc., a Blairsville, GA-based manufacturer of prefabricated, relocatable structures, is nonetheless excited to share the highlights of an interesting project it completed for the United States Navy.

At an undisclosed Naval Station, the company was challenged with providing pier-side office and observation space to support submarine maintenance operations. The resultant structures needed to take up as little room as possible, and meet the specifications for the coastal conditions and seismic zone.

Panel Built responded with the design and construction of six elevated exterior office towers, each engineered to withstand 90mph wind loading on a seismic 4 mezzanine base. There were two platforms on each system, one to support the building and one at ground level for additional work area.

Panel Built delivered and installed the buildings on schedule, coordinating with naval engineers on existing rebar and electrical conduit placement in the slab.

The six 20' x40' exterior structures are situated on custom powder-coated platforms 10' tall. The lower decks are covered with 1/4"-thick aluminum diamond plate. The overall height of each building system is 22'.

About Panel Built

Panel_Built_logoPanel Built offers modular buildings, mezzanines and related products. To learn more, visit

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