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City Of Indianola Pool House Renovation

Metal Roofing From MBCI Brings New Life To Community Pool Facility

The City of Indianola’s pool house was a place for the community’s children to enjoy the summer months, but as the facility deteriorated over time, the pool was forced to close. Community members debated whether to demolish and rebuild it, or to refurbish the existing building. With the help of fundraising and a small grant, the owners and architect renovated the pool house entirely - including plumbing, electrical, and a complete replacement of the existing roof system and soffit.

MBCI’s 26-gauge PBR panel in Galvalume was selected for the 6,100 sq. ft. roof system because of its durability, cost efficiency and ability to add a beautiful look that recaptured the building’s original design.

“I really liked being a part of taking an old building and transforming it into a beautiful finished product,” said Martin Smith from David Smith Construction, “We took a building that many said should be torn down and transformed it into a nice facility for children to enjoy.” After 120 days, the City of Indianola’s pool house was ready for the community.

The general contractor was David Smith Construction Inc. of Inverness, MS. The architect was Beard + Riser of Greenwood, MS.

The first two photos show the pool house after the renovation was completed, while the third and fourth photos show it prior to renovation.

About MBCI


MBCI supplies a wide range of metal roofing and wall panels, along with related products. For more information, visit

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