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Ft. Jackson Commissary Retrofit Roof

Roof Hugger, Morin And SRS Team Up On Retrofit Of Commissary’s Roof

Southeast Roofing Solutions (SRS) of Statesboro, GA has a reputation for performing on numerous military installations in the area. In early 2013, they were awarded the contract to reroof the commissary building at Ft. Jackson, SC. Since the commissary had an existing metal roof that had reached the end of its service life, SRS elected to recover the building roof using specially fabricated steel sub-purlins supplied by Roof Hugger, Inc. of Lutz, FL.

The “Hugger” factory-notched sub-purlins permitted the installation of a new metal roof without removal of the old metal roof.

Mike Mullins, Vice-President at SRS, stated that this was their first time to use Roof Huggers and the project went extremely well, not having to deal with removal and demolition of the existing roof. The Roof Huggers were manufactured to nest directly over the existing 24” wide x 3” high trapezoidal standing seam and their special height enabled the assembly to receive rigid insulation fluted fillers and a continuous 1-inch polyiso cover board with a Carlisle WIP 300HT ice and water protection underlayment. With the increase in the roof assembly’s thermal resistance (R-value), energy consumption will be reduced, helping Ft. Jackson to reach its federal energy mandates.

To complete the metal-over-metal retrofit roof assembly, a 24-gauge SLR-16 vertical rib standing seam system manufactured by Morin of Bristol, CT, was installed over the insulation and sub-purlins. Morin is a member of the Kingspan Group of Companies.

Founded in 1967 by Wallace H. Wiggins Sr., Southeast Roofing Solutions is well respected in the Georgia and South Carolina roofing markets. Current owner Shawn Corbett, grandson to the founder, provides expert and professional roofing services to both private and public building owners focusing on low-slope and metal roofing. In addition, the company of about 50 employees is qualified to provide retrofit roof systems and erect structural steel and pre-engineered metal buildings for new construction.

SRS, Roof Hugger and Morin made a perfect combination that resulted in a well-executed project that was completed on time and in budget. For more information about Southeast Roofing Solutions, visit For information about the products used on this project, visit and

About Roof Hugger

roof hugger logoRoof Hugger notched sub-purlins enable replacement of new metal roof panels over an old metal roof. They can be used over screw-down or standing seam roof systems and can accommodate new standing seam or screw-down panels. Roof Huggers also maintain integrity of original design loadings; achieve "thermal break" air space between old and new roof sheets; allow for optional insulation; and are laboratory and load tested—with certified load charts. For more information on metal-over-metal retrofit re-roofing, contact Roof Hugger at 800-771-1711 or visit

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