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Lake Mills Fire Station

Insulation System Completes Interior of Wisconsin Fire Station

A study completed in 2001 determined the Lake Mills Fire Station in Lake Mills, WI, was in generally poor condition and too small for today’s large fire trucks. So rather than pouring money into the old building, officials there decided instead to demolish it and build something new.

Charged with designing the replacement was Strand Associates of Madison, WI. For the construction it utilized a pre-engineered metal building system from Foremost Buildings Inc. of Jefferson, WI.

So that services would be maintained throughout the process, the 20,000 sq. ft. project was divided into two phases, thus allowing vital firefighting equipment to remain in the old section while the first phase of new construction was completed. The second phase followed, with its completion coming in September 2005.

The insulation system used in the apparatus storage portion of the project was Simple Saver. The high-performance, R-29 system was manufactured by Madison, NE-based Thermal Design and provided by Therm-all of Columbus, WI. One of its unique features is free, builit-in fall protection. No other devices or safety equipment is needed to satisfy leading-edge fall protection requirements.

Maas Brothers Construction Co. of Watertown, WI, was the project's general contractor. Pro-Type Builders of Dalton, WI, erected the metal building system.

For more information about the Simple Saver system, call 800-255-0776, or visit

About Thermal Design

Thermal-Design-logoThermal Design, Inc. is a recognized innovator in the metal building insulation industry with a 30-year history of developing effective insulation solutions based on economical, easy-to-install building systems, accessories and concepts. Based in Wisconsin and Nebraska, Thermal Design, Inc. assists with energy code compliance and provides products and services globally that focus on integrating the design of insulation, HVAC, lighting, controls and power generation specifically tailored for pre-engineered metal buildings. Sales and service locations all throughout the United States and Internationally. To learn more, visit

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