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Parkway Central High School Lab Addition

CENTRIA Products Provide The Right Formula For Science Wing Expansion

Parkway Central High School serves approximately 1,200 students in the Chesterfield, Missouri area. This 24,000 sq. ft. addition is the first major renovation to Parkway Central High School since the original construction in 1961, and the first of three science wing renovations in the Parkway School District. The addition of the new science wing, using products from CENTRIA, helped to address issues arising from the school’s aging science facilities. The previous science classrooms lacked adequate space causing several safety concerns.

The new science wing includes eight spacious labs, an outdoor classroom and a rain garden. In addition, each classroom is equipped with 12 computers, a media cart, SMART board technology and numerous safety features to encourage a safe and interactive learning environment. These new amenities are equivalent to the equipment found at many colleges and universities, a necessary feature for facilitating some of Parkway’s college-level science courses. In an effort to teach students about environmental responsibility, the school was built according to eco-conscious guidelines using energy efficient and sustainable materials. The Parkway School District is currently seeking LEED® certification.

CENTRIA’s Formawall Graphix Series is a single-component wall system that provides interesting accents with a unique, segmented construction in which one panel looks like multiple smaller ones. The segmented modern panels give the addition a clean and modern appearance while still blending in with the existing facilities. These panels include a steel face and liner that incorporate foamed-in-place CFC-free foam insulation. The Formawall Graphix Series panels are compatible with CENTRIA's proven vented and dry-sealed rain screen joinery, resulting in the most advanced thermal and moisture protection available - a key feature when striving for reduced energy costs.

IW Series panels were installed as soffit panels to provide interesting architectural details. The panels’ common-lock joint design allows for interchangeability, making interesting visual effects possible. Panels can be installed in all weather conditions, both horizontally and vertically. IW Series panels proved to be a sustainable choice since they are manufactured from 25.5 percent post-consumer waste and 6.8 percent pre-consumer waste, ideal for LEED certification.

C/S Sunshades, a joint creation of CENTRIA and Construction Specialties, Inc. (C/S Group), were chosen to shade the building without sacrificing aesthetics. These sunshades are engineered for seamless and thermally isolated integration with Formawall Dimension Series panels, allowing for easy installation and ensuring long-term product cooperation.

Finally, CENTRIA’s Structural Standing Seam Roof System SRS 3 is a mechanically seamed roof featuring an integral batten. It provides continuous, long panel lengths and excellent weather resistance, an important detail considering the building team’s desire to attain LEED certification. These long panels also create a seamless appearance with unbroken lines and continuous transitions. The unique concealed clip and panel interlock design allows for unimpeded thermal movement without damage.

The project architect was Parsons Brinkerhoff of St. Louis, MO; the contractor was ICS Construction Services of St. Louis, MO; the CENTRIA products dealer was Mays Maune McWard Inc. of Fenton, MO; and the CENTRIA products installer was Lackey Sheet Metal LLC of St. Louis, MO. The project measured 24,000 sq. ft.

CENTRIA products used on this project included:

  • Structural Sanding Seam Roof System (SRS®) 3 Curved. Square Feet: 3,391; Color: Pebble; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Duraguard® Plus; Gauge: .040.

  • Formawall® Graphix Series™  2” Vertical. Square Feet: 4,512; Color: Off White; Finish: Duracast®; Coating: Duraguard® Plus; Gauge: 20/22.

  • Profile Series IW-11A. Square Feet: 1,440; Color: Pebble; Finish: Embossed; Coating: Duraguard® Plus; Gauge: .040.

  • Integrated C/S Sunshades. Square Feet: 855; Color: Parkway Black; Finish: MICA Custom; Coating: Fluropon II; Gauge: 0.25.

LEED and the related logo is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used with permission.


CENTRIA, a Nucor company, supplies a variety of architetural metal wall and roof systems. For more information, visit

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