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Robert J. Coury Global Center

larson by Alucoil® Meets Objectives For Creating Dynamic Workplace For Employees Of Pharmaceutical Company

Creating a dynamic, modern workplace is an architectural challenge even under ideal circumstances. Throw in LEED Silver aspirations and an aggressive construction timeline and the bar is that much higher. Helping Atlanta's Cooper Carry meet the aesthetic and sustainable demands associated with the design and construction of Mylan's Robert J. Coury Global Center in Canonsburg, PA was Alucoil North America and its flagship product, larson by Alucoil Aluminum Composite Panels.

larson by Alucoil® Aluminum Composite Panels are manufactured in Manning, South Carolina USA via a continuous process which permanently bonds thin-skin aluminum or other natural metals to an extruded polyethylene or fire-resistant core. 

Alucoil partnered with the John W. McDougall Company of Nashville, TN to provide 35,000 sq. ft. of 4mm FR larson by Alucoil® ACM for the exterior of the 265,000 sq. ft., five-story building. One of the greater challenges of color selection was addressed  by working closely with PPG Industries in the development of a custom 3-coat custom mica coil finish formulated to closely match the custom “Champagne” spray coat finish on the curtain wall mullions. 

Alucoil products are fully tested and certified per building code requirements. All manufacturing processes and raw materials are audited quarterly by a third party verification laboratory of record. Alucoil globally offers a diverse line of products including larson® aluminum and natural metal composite panels, matching flat sheet, perforated ACM panels, embossed ACM panels, 70% Kynar PVDF finishes, powder coated finishes, and the flexibility to deliver small quantities of custom colors.

About Alucoil North America

Alucoil_logoAlucoil North America, LLC is a domestic manufacturer of larson® aluminum and metal composite material and larcore® A2 aluminum honeycomb building panels. To learn more, visit

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