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Station 8 Firehouse - St. Petersburg, FL

Drexel Metals Covers New St. Petersburg Fire Station

Drexel Metals knows how to put fires out! It proved it by providing a brand new Drexel Metals roof for the Station 8 firehouse in St. Petersburg, FL. The profile used for the project was the company's DMC 200S in Regal White.

The standing seam metal roof was used in combination with a thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) roof membrane. The pairing of the two is particularly popular in Southern States where their reflective properties reduce energy costs, thus reducing the environmental impact on the ozone.

The DMC 200S features 2"-tall mechanically sealed seams. The profile provides architectural enhancement to any building and is engineered to exceed the wind load requirements in most locales. The versatility of the profile’s engineering gives design professionals the ability to specify it on both low- and steep-slope applications.

The firehouse was rebuilt in 2011 and has 5 on-duty firefighters who protect a 5.51-square mile area of St. Petersburg. The new Drexel Metals roof protects firefighters and equipment as they protect their community.

Ramcon LLC formed and installed the Drexel Metals panels. It could have gone with any of a number of jobsite-formed metal roof systems but opted for the DMC 200S because it meets all the criteria for installation in Florida and is backed by a trusted company with a superior warranty. Kyle Burdine, the service director for Ramcon, was happy with the decision. “Drexel Metals is great to work with. The company is always very responsive and provide us with the approvals and warranties we need.”

The metal roof was a key energy-saving element in the LEED Silver project's overall design. LEED, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System™, encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria. These green practices were implemented when building the firehouse. The Drexel Metal roof will help keep the firehouse energy efficient and environmentally sustainable throughout the years while qualifying the building for LEED credits.

About Drexel Metals

Drexel Metals Inc. is a provider of coil, engineering support and machinery to jobsite fabricators of metal roofing. For more information visit

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