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Williamson College of Business

RHEINZINK® Panels Highlight New Business School Project

The new 110,000 sq. ft. Williamson College of Business at Youngstown State University is three stories tall and encompasses nearly a full city block. Completed in August 2010 at a cost of $34 million, it represents the largest capital expenditure in YSU’s 102-year history. Noteworthy about the project, given its cost and stature, is that zinc wall panels and coping are featured on its exterior. The material was provided by RHEINZINK.

The building serves 2,000 business students and includes a 200-seat auditorium, industrial history gallery and café, plus classrooms and labs. School officials are understandably excited about what the new structure means. “This new building will provide the spaces, technologies and professional environment necessary to keep YSU competitive in recruiting and retaining the best students and faculty,” said Dean Betty Jo Licata.

The structure features approximately 15,000 sq. ft. of RHEINZINK® 0.8mm preweathered graphite-gray (PWGG) Angled Seam panels. They were fabricated by Firestone Metal Products, Anoka, MN. The design concept for the brick and natural metal façade was created by the Minneapolis office of Perkins + Will. Strollo Architects, Youngstown, OH, was the architect of record. On-site panel curving equipment and services was provided by Metal Panel Systems, Cincinnati, OH. Metal-Era Inc., Waukesha, WI, also supplied the project’s coping system fabricated from RHEINZINK® PWGG material. All zinc wall panel and coping installation was completed by ARJ Inc., of Wickliffe, OH.

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit

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