
Brandette Well Servicing Ltd.

Robertson Building Systems

GMH Architects of Drayton Valley, Alberta, Canada, was the designer of the new digs for Drayton Valley’s Brandette Well Servicing Ltd. To provide its client with the desired combination of form and function, the firm mixed conventional building materials with metal building systems and products from Robertson Building Systems, and used the construction services of Camdon Construction, a Robertson authorized builder located in Red Deer, Alberta.

The project blends 3,200 square foot of office space with a 6,000 sq. ft. shop and also includes a second unattached 6,000 sq. ft. shop. The new building’s office areas are open in plan and articulated by arched ceilings. Portions of the building are protected by membrane roofing while the majority, including the office portion, is covered with curved 26-gauge standing seam metal panels. The alum-zinc roof panels have a Shell White paint finish.

The walls consist of 6,000 sq. ft. of Robertson A-36 panels, also formed from 26-gauge alum-zinc. They were used in combination with AP Series clear anodized panels from Custom Metal Contracting, Calgary, Alberta.

About Robertson Building Systems

Robertson Building Systems logoPart of Cornerstone Building Brands, Robertson Building Systems is a leading Canadian manufacturer of engineered metal building systems and is supported by a network of manufacturing facilities throughout North America. For more information, visit

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