
Mount Pleasant Glass Centre


When the time came to address the aging aluminized steel roof on the Mount Pleasant Glass Centre in Mount Pleasant, PA, many options were considered. The one that made the most sense was to cover the old metal roof with a new one, eliminating the need for a tear-off and allowing the seven businesses operating in the building to remain open throughout the process.

The H.F. Lenz Company chose a Series 300 structural standing seam roof system from Norcross, GA-based IMETCO as the new roof. To facilitate its installation, the firm first covered the old metal roof surface with a metal-over-metal sub-structural grid from Top Hat Framing Systems of Painsville, OH.

Although varied metal roofing systems were explored as a replacement option for the Glass Centre roof, the Series 300 mechanically seamed structural standing seam system was deemed the best solution due to its proven performance, energy efficiency, low life-cycle costs and need for little to no maintenance. It can provide 30 years of service or more, and can withstand hurricane-strength winds. The panels specified for the 45,000 square foot portion of the roof recommended for recovering were 16" wide and formed from 24-gauge galvanized steel.

The utilization of the Top Hat members allowed the widest roof panel width as dictated by local code requirements, in accordance with ASTM-E1592 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Sheet Metal Roof Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. With the existing support steel exceeding the allowable span capacity of any metal roofing system on the market today, heavy-gauge deflection limiters were used to bridge the spans in order to support the pre-punched hat-shaped structural panel supports.

The combination of systems was quickly installed and dramatically improved the structural integrity of the roof without disrupting business for the tenants.  Since the existing roof was still intact, the TRS Roofing team had a solid structure to work on which yielded a fast and safe installation.

Randy Spigelmyer, president and owner of TRS Roofing, Williamsburg, PA, whose team of skilled technicians played a large part in the reroofing of the Glass Centre, was pleased at how seamlessly the two systems performed in tandem. Generally a single-ply roofer with a hands-on approach to quality assurance in every detail, Spigelmyer was impressed with the speed and ease of installation. The technical partnership of IMETCO and Top Hat Framing Systems extended to the field in the form of periodic field support and inspections.


IMETCO_logoIMETCO manufactures metal products for the building envelope, including metal roofing, metal wall, and metal deck systems and accessories. For more information, visit

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