
Sun Publications

Floline Architectural Systems LLC

During a recent remodeling of the Sun Publications offices in Naperville, Ill., the project architect came up with a unique idea to incorporate the corporate logo into the design of the entrance canopy.

Hanson Engineering, Springfield, Ill., used "The Ring of Truth Bell" as a model for the bell-shaped canopy - the result being a distinctive element in the overall building design. The canopy and adjacent awnings also provide necessary shade on the southern exposure and unify the front facade.

Floline Architectural Systems provided the curved panel and curved flashing for the canopy by fabricating a concave and convex curve on the same length of panel to eliminate endlaps on the front of the canopy.

The canopy and neighboring awnings incorporate 1,300 square feet of Floline Series 900 panels fabricated from 22-gauge G-90 galvanized steel. The panels are coated with Floline's Light Silver Visulure 2 finish. The reverse side of the panels are coated with a 0.5 mil off-white primer.

About Floline Architectural Systems

Floline_logoFloline Architectural Systems manufactures curved panels. For more information, visit

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