
Zimmerman Construction Co. Headquarters


The creative use of 3,200 sq. ft. of Dri-Design® wall panels on the façade of Zimmerman Construction Company’s new headquarters building in Kansas City gave the precast project a great look. The .050” aluminum panels have a Copper Penny PVDF paint finish and were installed in a diamond pattern.

The overall architectural design for the building was done by Gould Evans Associates, Kansas City. “But we determined that the panels initially recommended were just too expensive,” says Jack Zimmerman, president. “Then the project cooled for awhile because I got cold feet. During that time, my wife and I drove all over Kansas City trying to find a panel system that we liked and that we could afford. Finally, Gould Evans suggested we investigate Dri-Design®. After an initial cold call to Dri-Design® turned into an hour conversation, I was pretty convinced that was the way to go.”

The cost estimate discussed during that initial call turned out to be very close to the final number, according to Zimmerman.

Zimmerman credits his wife, who is also involved in the company, with the decision to install the 30” x 30” panels in a diamond configuration and with the color selection. “She works closely with a designer and they insisted that the Copper Penny color would look great with the precast, and that the diamond shape would really be distinctive. They were right,” says Zimmerman.

Installation of the panels was done by Zimmerman’s crew. “That type of work was a little outside our norm and the Dri-Design® people couldn’t have been more helpful in providing technical advice,” according to Zimmerman. “They were always accessible and gave us great support.”

About Dri-Design

DriDesign_logo_020511Dri-Design is a manufacturer of dry-joint rainscreen metal wall systems available in a wide range of styles and colors. In addition, the company offers graphic wall systems created though sophisticated custom perforating and via imaging technology. To learn more about the company's products, visit

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