Based in the Alajuela Province of Costa Rica, Microtech’s state-of-the-art certified manufacturing facility provides precision manufacturing and supply chain innovation through capability and tooling for small metal and plastic components for
the most demanding industries.
As part of the company’s desire for new-world technology and a “forward-thinking manufacturing” approach, Microtech wanted more control of its energy and power requirements, and sought cleaner energy sources and much-needed resiliency
to supplement the power requirements at its manufacturing facility―all provided by an EaaS (Energy-as-a-Service) model.
Microtech called on EPC Contractor, Energías Limpias de Centroamerica (ELCA) to install a Micro-Grid, which combined a Tesla PowerPack of 1.1 MWh and 1,432 Sharp solar panels for its 531 Kw DC system on the facility’s insulated metal
panel roof. ELCA knew it could rely on S-5! solar attachment solutions to secure the solar modules to its metal roof.
Ongoing shutdowns across Costa Rica due to the COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges for this project. When ELCA started the project, the country’s shutdowns delayed product and material delivery from manufacturers all across the globe
to the job site.
ELCA selected the S-5-PVKIT®2.0 and the S-5-H Mini clamps to secure the solar panels to the standing seam metal roof of Microtech’s manufacturing facility, allowing for a rail-less PV mounting solution.
The PVKIT’s pre-assembled components provided a simple, secure and economical method for attaching the solar panels. Because the solution is rail-less, it also cuts costs in freight, logistics, lifting equipment and labor associated with traditional
rail. The H Mini clamp’s two-piece design allows it to be installed anywhere along the length of the rib, making installation fast and easy.
With a reliable lead-time from purchase to delivery, as well as a simple installation process, S-5!’s solar attachment solutions helped reduce the project timeline.
Long-Term Outlook
The Micro-Grid and subsequent PV system allowed Microtech to continue its forward-thinking manufacturing approach by utilizing renewable energy sources to supplement the power requirements at its manufacturing facility.
Project Details
Project Name: Micro Technologies
Location: Alajuela Province – San José, Costa Rica
Energías Limpias de Centroamerica (Verde o Nada)
Inverter Manufacturer: Yaskawa-Solectria
Solar Mounting Attachments: S-5!
Roof Stats:
Roof Profile: Solcon SSP 1000/500B Insulated Metal Panel Roofing
Roof Measured: 13,500 M2/145,300 square feet
Roof Pitch: 7 degrees
Total Installed Capacity: (1,432) Sharp solar panels, 531 Kw DC system (total DC output 531); each module was 370 Kw
Inverters: Solectria PVI 60TL
Tesla PowerPack 1.1 MWh
S-5! Products Supplied:
S-5-H Mini (3,125)
S-5-PVKIT®2.0 (3,125)
MidGrab (2,880)
EdgeGrab (480)