
Grow Community - Phase 1

Metal Sales Mfg. Corp.

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation supplied its 7/8” Corrugated Wall Panels for use on the healthy homes of Grow Community - Phase 1, a new urban neighborhood on Bainbridge Island outside Seattle, Washington.

Just a 35-minute ferry ride from Seattle, Grow Community has become a go-to destination for all generations looking to enrich their lives with environmental responsibility, while reaping the benefits of a high-quality, healthy lifestyle. Where health and happiness act as the glue that holds Grow Community together, residents of this community boast zero carbon footprints and use sustainable transport, water, food and materials on a daily basis.

Phase I of the Grow Community project began as a community building experience under Jonathan Davis, architect and Greg Lotakis of Asani LLC, the development company. It transpired into the first endorsed One Planet Living Community in the United States — where every residential home lives within the resources of the planet. The Village, Grow Community’s first completed neighborhood, is not only powered by photovoltaics, but also includes net-zero energy homes. The project team needed to match the innovative and eco-friendly environment of the Village with equally sustainable materials and turned to Metal Sales to achieve the desired outcome.

“Metal Sales was first-of-mind for this project,” said Davis. “We knew we wanted to design with corrugated metal because it is a low-maintenance, cost-effective, lifetime material - it's a perfect sustainable option. And Metal Sales offers the highest quality product of this kind and the very best design assistance.”

More than 12,000 square feet of Metal Sales 7/8” Corrugated Wall Panels in Mistique Plus adorn the exterior walls of each home in the Village. The deep, thick panels withstand heavy loads and complement the solar panels attached to each roof. Metal Sales met Grow Community’s sustainability goals because its panels have a long life span, are 100% recyclable, and contain a high percentage of recycled material – contributing to sustainable building goals, such as LEED. All standard panel colors are ENERGY STAR® listed and can improve the energy efficiency of a building.

“We work with Metal Sales exclusively because of the strength of their material and the strength of our relationship,” added Davis. “Their product is installed on my own home, and I’ve always been impressed with both its longevity and its beauty."

Grow Community’s principles are found in its name — when generations grow together, both physically in shared gardens and as a one local economy, they form an enriching community. Phase II has just begun and offers more opportunities to use Metal Sales products.

Phase I of the Grow Community was completed in the fall of 2014. The project team included architect Davis Studio Architect + Design, Bainbridge Island, WA; developer Asani LLC, Bainbridge Island, WA; and General Contractor PHC Construction, Bainbridge Island, WA.

About Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation

Metal_Sales_logoMetal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is a premier nationwide provider of metal panels for the commercial, agricultural and residential construction industries. Metal Sales inspires construction professionals and building owners with design solutions that offer a longer life cycle, lower maintenance and higher resale value than traditional building materials. With one of the industry's largest and most knowledgeable sales and technical support team, Metal Sales has the expertise to address today's challenges in high-performance, sustainable and Net-Zero building. Metal Sales has outreach around the world, delivering outstanding roof, wall and fascia metal panels from its 21 facilities throughout the U.S. For more information, visit

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