
Cite Shopping Mall

Kalzip Inc.

When consumer spending dropped in the Baden-Baden area of Germany, the local government granted permission for the development of a new retail complex on a site in a conservation area where military barracks once stood. On the heels of that decision came the design and construction of the new Cité Shopping Mall. It consists of 260,000 sq. ft. of retail space housed in a pair of round buildings joined by a covered passageway. To skin these unusually shaped buildings, Form A Architects of Germany specified 140,000 sq. ft. of stucco-embossed Kalzip 50 and Kalzip XT aluminum standing seam panels.

The XT profiled aluminum panels were chosen for their ability to meet the geometric demands of the architecture. They were fabricated using Kalzip's latest generation of roll formers which are capable of producing panels for even the most complex roof shapes, including ellipses, cones, spherical caps, arches, prisms, pyramids and all classical geometries.

The project was completed in mid-2007.

About Kalzip

Kalzip_logoKalzip offers standing seam roofing, wall cladding and related products. For more information, visit

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