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Elder Maintenance Shop

Star Building Systems

Totaling 20,000 in square footage, the Elder Maintenance Shop in Des Moines, IA, utilized steel framing by Star Building Systems, along with a StarShield Roof System and StarMark Wall System. Completed in February 2007, the maintenance shop offered several structural challenges.

Among the biggest challenges of this structure were multiple 18’ x 18’ overhead doors that required the use of pipe strut lateral supports in the building frame. The coordination of multiple interior overhead cranes in conjunction with a conventional framed mezzanine made the erection process of this building especially difficult.

The building’s end use of a maintenance shop also required an office portion in the building. To separate the shop from the office, a glass curtain wall and architectural open canopy were used to accent the office.

The decision to use a Star pre-engineered building over conventional construction was due in part to time constraints dictated by the owner, as well as cost. The owner of Elder Maintenance Shop was pleased with the advantages and durability of the StarShield Roof.

Star’s Authorized Builder is Hy-Vee Weitz Construction in Des Moines, IA. The Steel Erector was Ace Construction and the Architect was Jeff Schaub, both located in Des Moines, IA.

About Star Building Systems

Star_Building_Systems_logoStar Building Systems is a manufacturer of custom-designed metal building systems. For more information, visit

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