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Sun Hydraulics Corporation

Star Building Systems

Sun Hydraulics Corp., a maker of hydraulic valves and one of Southwest Florida's largest manufacturers, expanded into a new $16 million, 75,510-square-foot building in Sarasota with the help of a metal building system from Star Building Systems. Sarasota's Halfacre Construction was recognized by Star for its work on the facility.

Halfacre received Star's Master Builder of the Year Award for the Sun Hydraulics III building at 803 Tallevast Road. The building also won Best in Class for Large Manufacturing Projects in North America and the 2014 Best in District Award.

The Sun Hydraulics project was noted for many unusual features that made it stand out from the more than 4,000 buildings Star produces annually.

Along with the project's general high level of design and quality construction, the building was designed and placed on a 12-acre site near Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport to have its office wing sticking out over a 4.5-acre lake. The building used a pre-engineered metal building technology with exterior mainframe columns that don't intrude through the interior walls, maximizing flexibility in the manufacturing area. The three-building project utilized a Double-Lok roof in Medium Bronze and brick and block walls.

Star Building systems designed and manufactured the metal building system and Halfacre Construction led the team of specialty subcontractors to erect it, along with other contractors to do the concrete, masonry, painting and windows.

"What a great honor," said Jack Cox, president and CEO of Halfacre Construction. "We were honored to have been selected for the Sun Hydraulics building and are truly just humbled to be part of a project that continues to make such a huge positive impact on the economic development of this region."

Star's Master Builder Awards program recognizes professionalism in the building industry. Buildings are judged on the attractiveness of the exterior, skill of construction and the effective use of Star Building System's products and components.

About Star Building Systems

Star_Building_Systems_logoStar Building Systems is a manufacturer of custom-designed metal building systems. For more information, visit

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